Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pacis, Pre-school, and Poop

Last night M asked for her paci. It was really so sad. She first told me that she was sad. I asked her why and she said, "Because I want my paci." and she said it in a way that was so sad :( I did not give in though!! I told her that she was a big girl now and didn't need it, and that I wished I could give it to her, but couldn't. She did eventually go to sleep too!

Pre-school is going well! They love it, of course. I have been dropping them off since I have been on break, and S is always the first one in, not looking back, ready to go! M started to hang back and hide behind my legs a bit. Once she gets in there, she is fine, but I think she also wants to spend time with me. The only thing I don't like, is when I pick them up. They go to afternoon pre-school, so when I pick them up they are super tired. I bring them home and they act crazy. Bipolar even. They will get upset over the smallest thing, then be happy, then upset. I want this, no I want that! Do this for me, NO don't do that for me!! It's exhausting!

I originally put "poop" in the title just so I could have another "p" word- the English teacher in me acting up- but I do have some poop things to write about. Mine still will NOT go in the potty. I have tried bribing. That doesn't work. Bribes just don't work all that well with my kids. They say they are scared, so we talk about it, but they still won't do it. Some have told me to take away the pull up at night, since that is when they poop. They hold it until they get in a pull up then let it all go! I tried that with M a couple times, but she will either just hold it and then have an accident at school, or poop in the undies. Not ok. So we continue with pull ups at night. I keep reminding myself that they WILL get it eventually. Just like they got peeing in the potty. Laid back is what they need. I just need to remind myself of that!


Donna C. said...

Pacis: You are doing the right thing. It is time and you are actually well over the hard part.

Pre-School: is a dog eat dog world. They have to fight for what they get and it does exhaust them.

Poop: Mine did the same thing until around age 3 and then started begging to be changed. I would be conveniently busy so they would be uncomfortable for a bit and then remind as I changed them that they could avoid this feeling. I kept saying, "Does it feel yucky? I bet it feels yucky. How nice it would be to never have a yucky bottom". It did work.

Rebecca said...

I hate when people tell me to take away the pull-up...that will NOT be happening until said people are willing to come to my house and change the sheets...gross! You're will happen.

Mercy Mathews said...

My twin boys (now aged 7) were quite easily potty trained but now I'm having to bride my 2.5 year old to even step inside the bathroom. All he wants to do is sit in the tub and play.

I've just started following your blog :) I'm new to blogging and just started one of my own.