Has it really been 6 nights?? In some ways it doesn't seem like it has been that many nights, and in other ways it does...
It's getting better. Last night M went to sleep quickly, and in her bed! S was up for a long time and then she woke in the middle of the night. Luckily hubby took care of that! As for tonight, I put them to bed at 7. It is now 7:56 and it is quiet in there. This is a huge improvement. It had been hours of them being awake and playing. Now, tonight they did start the, "Mommy, I gotta go peepee!" routine. I think it was Rebecca who asked about this. My girls recently potty trained (pee only!) and have been doing very well. However, during sleeping times I put a pull up or night diaper on them. They do not wake up if they have to go. M usually stays dry, but S still soaks a diaper overnight. I'm not even going to stress about night potty training. I'm hoping by the time they night train, they will pretty much be able to go on their own. We'll see how it actually pans out! :)
I also had to strip their room of just about everything. The first night I thought I got everything out that needed to be out. I was so wrong. Same thing for the second night. By the third night I had gotten everything out. They did dump one drawer full of clothes, but, and I am SO proud of my obsessive-compulsive self, I just put them back in the drawer, without re-organizing and did not even flinch. Well, I hardly flinched.
And as I'm typing this, I now hear 2 little voices! So they are not asleep yet, but hopefully soon. I hear M talking about going pee-pee. Hmmmm...
Yes, it was me...thanks! I think we're going to switch to Pull-ups at night once our diapers are gone...omg...did I really just write that??? The diapers are going to be GONE??? I am too excited!
Rebecca- I am still buying night diapers. Sofia still pees WAY too much at night! :)
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