Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I suck. I know. How long has it been since I updated??? Anyway, we are doing well! Being back in the classroom full time and taking care of twin toddlers takes up every minute of my time. I don't recommend it. I would love it if I could work part time. But that is just not a possibility right now.

Here is my typical day:
2:00 am alarm for hubby goes up. I nudge him, tell him to get up. This goes on for about 20 min.
4:30 am wake up, shower, dress
5:00 eat breakfast, drink coffee check emails in blissfull silence (most of the time)
6:00 wake the girls up, get them dressed and ready to go
6:15 out the door on the way to day care
6:35 drop the girls off and go to work, arrive by 7 am
I then teach middle schoolers from 7:30 am-11:57 without a break.
2:30 school is out and I usually have detention or meetings.
3:00ish drive home to pick up hubby so we both can pick up the girls. It is SO much easier to have him there. Otherwise, I have to wrangle them into the stroller which they do not like.
4:30 get home, have a couple minutes before starting dinner
5:00 feed the girls, and sometimes us at the same time
6:00 bed for the girls
Then I have a couple hours I can grade papers, plan, or spend time on the internet. Then I usually go to bed by 8:30 at the latest.

I do love my school breaks though. Right now is Winter Break, and it is great! Plus, even though I'm super busy with teaching, being back in the classroom is so much more fulfilling than trying to help teachers. I'm much happier even though I have no time.

The girls are doing great! They are talking so much! Sofia can say short sentences, sing parts of songs, count to ten, it is amazing! I was worried about Maya's language for a little bit, but she is really taking off too. They are so much fun right now when they aren't throwing tantrums! They can tell me if they like something, they like to help out by throwing their diapers away, they rock!



The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs said...

Awesome to hear from you! I'm really glad you like being back in the classroom and that you're enjoying the girls. And having winter break - cool! Merry Christmas!

Novel said...

Aw, that is a great picture. They have grown up so much. I loved it when my children learnt to talk too :-)
Glad to hear you are enjoying being back in the classroom, but thank goodness for the break!