Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Because of the increase of rude comments, I have decided to moderate all comments. I didn't really want to have to do this. First of all, it's not like I have a ton of time to do that. Second, I normally don't want to have to moderate comments - it reminds me in a way of censorship. I would rather not have to moderate them, but for now, I'm going to. I'll still have to see any rude comments, but I also might not read or approve ANY comments for a few weeks. So, if you do comment and don't see it, just know that it is because I don't want to see anything rude.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive! It really has helped me, and I appreciate it so much!


Natalie said...

Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you've had to resort to moderating your blog. I hope that none of my comments have upset you. That was never my intention and I really hope that I haven't said the wrong thing. Please feel free to delete my comments if they are unsupportive in any way. Heather, you and your husband deserve peace and understanding during this tough time.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for making a difficult time in your life even more difficult. I know that this decision was not easy for you, but when I read that you were going to go through with the reduction I was really angry because those babies already have heartbeats and I believe that life begins at conception. I really didn't mean to come off that rude. I disagree with your decision, but it is your decision to make and I'm really sorry for causing such a rucus on your blog. Please forgive me and excuse me in my moment of passion.

Jody said...

You might want to ask Karen at My Perky Ovaries to take your blog off her blogroll, if and when she gets out of the hospital (she's gone in for observation at 32 weeks, which is when I delivered my babies). Karen is on several triplet blogrolls and through the click-through process, you're probably hearing from triplet moms on a mission to shame you into changing your mind. Granted I made a different decision, I think they're behaving quite, quite badly to a fellow HOM mom.

You have to do what's best for you. You did your research, you talked to a peri whom you yourself admitted left you with mixed feelings (so there's no fear someone was trying to sell you a medical story not based on statistical data), you're making the best decision you can, for your babies and for you. I admire your willingness to write honestly about that. You should know, in DC the SR rates are in the mid-60s and in NYC, they're in the mid-70s. So you're DEFINITELY not alone.

I personally worry that some women are getting a distorted and false picture of the real risks they run in carrying triplets, but it sounds like you have real numbers. You have to do what your heart tells you to do.

I cited at least one article about women who chose SR in one of my SR posts at my blog, and you should take comfort in the fact that the women interviewed were pretty much at peace with their decision. There are very few second-guesses, and even those are more fleeting, wistful, "I wonder" sorts of things.

Best wishes for a smooth procedure and a trouble-free pregnancy here on out.

Anonymous said...

First, I am so sorry that you are put in such a tough position, and that you have to go through this. I can fully understand your fears. I first met you on FF from a group and followed your story through this blog. It is not fair that you have to go through IF treatments and then have to make such a tough decision. But you are doing what feels right for you and your husband. You only know what you can handle and what is best for your babies. We had to do IVF to get pregnant and we were nervous about ending up with triplets ourselves, and had talked about what to do in that case. I have no idea what I would have done honestly but I am glad that we are having twins and don't have to face such a tough decision. No one should ever have to make such tough decision. Hugs to you and DH. Please do not allow judgemental people try to tell you how to make decisions on your life when they have never even been in your shoes. People somehow think that passing judjement on you, makes them very holy somehow... I am a Christian and very against abortion, but would never judge someone in your situation, because this is very different and you are trying to do the best you can for your babies. I know I would think about this choice myself if I were in your situation. I hope you can find peace with your decision and start to be happy with your pregnancy. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Heather- I know that you may not see this or read this and I totally understand. I will also message you at loungeplace. I am sitting here in tears- I cannot believe that people are doing this to you, I am absolutely appalled that people are doing this to someone that I consider to be such a dear friend. I wish that you were somewhere closer so that I could just come over and be with you and comfort you. I know that the decision you and your husband have made was not easy, but it was the right and necessary decision for you. Please know that my husband and I are keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. If you need anything please let me know. You have my e-mail and home address- please contact me if you need anything- and I mean anything. Hang in there- sending you lots and lots of loving thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Heather - I've been checking in on your blog on occassion and just wanted to say how sorry I am that you and your husband have had such a hard decision to make after such a long journey to conceive. I am also sorry that you are having to deal with the horribly rude, uncalled for comments. I wish you all the best and will be praying you you and our little ones when you have the reduction procedure. Hugs.

Barb said...

Good luck to you Heather. I wish you peace and a healthy pregnancy.