Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, crap. Now I'm paranoid that friends/family have found this. Oh well I guess. That will probably make me think twice before I write about things I am really feeling. Damn.


singletracey said...

I'm sorry .. knowing you have to watch what you say takes the therapy out of blogging. Maybe they haven't really found you. UGH..

Anyway, I hadn'et been on in ages and thought I would catch up! The girls are getting so big! They are soo cute by the way.

Natalie said...

Oh that sucks. :(

Mimi said...

Crud. I think I'd have to shut down or go private if that happened. It is SO nice to be able to be anonymous and just say what comes next sometimes!

Hoping that they haven't really found ya!

Anonymous said...

a simple google search made you pretty easy to find! sorry!!

Mimi said...
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Mimi said...
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