Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah, I spoke too soon!! After the 2 am feeding, they were pretty fussy all night long. Especially Maya! She was grunting all night and would only stop when I picked her up and laid her next to me!

The girls are tracking objects now, so we practiced that a little today with one of their toys. Right now they are sleeping and I would love to either sleep or clean but they fell asleep on their newborn loungers on the couch and I know if I pick them up and put them in the pack n play that they will wake up!

Wow, my punctuation is now getting critiqued! Yes, I just used an exclamation point there, oh the horror. Good thing I am an English teacher, like to write, and know grammar and punctuation rules. Yep, I know when to use an exclamation point, and at least I don't put fifty million of them at the end of one sentence.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You sure do use a lot of exlamation points! Almost in every sentence! :-P

Anonymous said...

Really? Would NEVER have guessed.

Natalie said...

LOL Love how your critiquer is anon. Oh the horror of exclamation marks!! ;)

Anonymous said...

The person who can't even SPELL exclamation points, shouldn't be critiquing anyone on exclamation points.

Anonymous said...

Actually, the second comment is not the same person as first. Only use Anonymous b/c I don't have a blog. I really wouldn't have guessed about English teacher. I think commenter one is really making a point about something other than grammar. Is that possible?