Monday, March 03, 2008

Still Waiting

I am still waiting! Now I am hoping they will wait until at least Friday to come!

I called my doctor's office today to see if they had faxed my chart over to the hospital. Some weird stuff was going on with my chart! In early Feb., the nurse faxed my chart because the due date on it said March 30th. Now, this was before my Dr. had written the note on my chart about calling him when I go into labor. Then, the nurse told me that she couldn't just fax the updated one because they use some computerized system over there, and it would "confuse" the system. Great! The other funny part is the person at the hospital who gets the charts is like a third party. Labor and Delivery is not allowed to access the computer with all this info because then they would have access to my whole medical group's records. Oh the horror! So it has to go through this other person. What a pain! So first the nurse said she could give me a copy of the chart so I could just take it in when I deliver. Later, she called back and it turns out my doctor is on call tomorrow so he is going to deliver my chart to them.

It also makes me feel good knowing he is on call tomorrow because if I did go into labor tonight, then there would be no problems at all when I went in tomorrow! But then he is out of town for 2 days, so I really hope they decide to stay put until Friday! I also have an appointment on Friday. I'll be interested to see if I've dilated any more.

It's getting really boring at home. I ca only sit at the computer so long because of my pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome! I've been watching some movies, and tv is getting old. I wish the writer's strike would have ended sooner! I am also not going anywhere because I don't want to go into labor, and it is just really difficult to get around! My pubic bone now hurts every time I stand up. I'm sure it is from Sofia's head! Also, if I stand for too long (like 5 min.) I get a lot of pressure in my cervix. So, it is boring! But I know they will be here soon and I will be far from bored! :)


Mrs. Piggy said...

wow, tick tock! i cant believe the girls are almost here...i cannot wait to see what happens on your journey. you made twin pregnancy look so easy!

MichelleAnn said...

I was wondering if you were still there. Has the doctor ever said (and sorry if you've said this) how long they usually let twin moms go? I think my doctor said 37 or 38 weeks would have been as far as they would let me go. Of course I didn't make it that far (my cousin made it to 37 weeks with her twins before going into labor). The plus side to having them after 36 weeks is that they will more than likely get to stay in your room with you! I got to enjoy that with my first son, but with the twins being premature they were taken to the NICU and remained there for 2 weeks. It was hard not having them with me. It was so nice to have my 1st son in the room with us and then to take him home when I was released. Hope to hear about your appointment Friday!

AwkwardMoments said...

I cant wait to hear about the girls arrival


Wow! You are so close only a few more weeks to go! Have hubby go out and get you some of the new releases- no horror movies or spicy foods :) at least until after Friday when the doc gets back from vacation LOL. I will be keeping you in my thoughts- hang in there! Sending you lots of love and keep your legs crossed and stand on your head- just kidding!